The "Support Files" icon is where most of our users go first and it is always being revised to improve access to what our clients are looking for. This represents current thinking in February 1992. Again, the BOLD folder names indicate that there are new files in these folders since the callers last call.
Because there may be a fair number of updates, the folder view is set to By Name and the files inside this folder are no older than 30 days. Instead of an • Earlier Files • folder, we use a folder named • Older Than 30 days •, so that clients realize they are looking at the most current updates that we know about.
This is how older software update files are handled. As the 60 day folder gets more files, it will be broken down into additional folders.
The Bugs & Fixes folder is also set to view By Name, but it uses the • Earlier Files • folder arrangement, with a different follow through...
This arrangement for dealing with a large number of earlier files, by arranging them in alphabetical sub-folders, has worked well, as long as you pay close attention to the file names to insure they include the subject names. We may modify other BBS file areas to use this earlier file sub-folder arrangement. Again, it is important to remember that your users may be calling with a 9-inch screen compact Mac, so don't forget to test with this configuration.